Chemical information sharing has been at the core of many discussions about chemicals in the built environment.
The topics of transparency and chemical information sharing have been at the core of many discussions about chemicals in the built environment.
ACC and its member companies are committed to producing and using chemicals in ways that protect and improve human health and the environment and to providing safety information about ACC member company products. Under the Responsible Care® Product Safety Code, ACC member companies evaluate products for safety and environmental impacts, and commit to sharing chemical information throughout the supply chain to help customers make informed, science-based materials decisions.
Examples of chemical company commitments to product safety include:
Through its Sustainable Solution Steering methodology, BASF undertakes a transparent, consistent sustainability performance evaluation of the more than 60,000 products in its portfolio, to holistically evaluate the environmental, economic, and social aspects of those products over their entire lifecycle. Company researchers and scientists review the safety of BASF products, from research and development, through production, customers’ use, all the way through end of life recycling, recovery or disposal.
Dow developed its Sustainable Chemistry Index, a metric used to assess the relative sustainability performance of its product portfolio based on the sustainability attributes of its products.